Seven plaintiffs are sharing $115,000 in damages awarded in a court-ordered settlement with Red Marchi & Sons, a Pescadero farming family that subjected tenants to dangerously unsafe housing conditions.
“It sends Read more -->>
Puente is helping South Coast farmers explore finding a new footing in a San Francisco market eager for fresh, locally grown ingredients. Expansion is the key to survival, isolated as they are between major cities, Read more -->>
Why we give to Puente: Jim Brigham and Michael Scott
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how much your neighbors need your help until you get to know them. So it was for both Jim Brigham and Michael Scott, two longtime Puente Read more -->>
For Amy Glaze, fine cuisine is more than a pleasure. It’s a teaching tool.
This spring, Glaze teamed up with Puente to create Pescadero’s first after-school cooking class. For four weeks, a lucky group of Pescadero Read more -->>
Growing up in Mexico, school was never an option for Gabriel Echeverria. When he moved to Pescadero, the 66-year-old found work at a local flower nursery where literacy wasn’t an issue.
But today, Echeverria is well Read more -->>
Gabriela Flores doesn’t consider herself a horse person. But she’s spending the summer with them. The 20-year-old is in awe of the horses she cares for at The Square Peg Foundation, a Half Moon Bay-based nonprofit Read more -->>